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who's admin right now I just joined yesterday and I want to know who's name to scream at all caps


joe mama


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vadim yaroslavTV doddermod


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Vadim and Doddermodd


so who caused the site to fall


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it's a shame this happened I look up to doddermodd since I want to replicate his shading style when I draw but I'm not nearly as good of a drawfag as him

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>acked jartycucks
>acked shemales
frootykinssama…… i kneel


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jews control everything

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why so dead chinnyshits

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Someone needs to leak /j/ NOW


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hi root


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Do this though

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just accept he won and you may come back to the sharty


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even doe this is bait I must vent like muh heckin' discords that the frootykinscord leak broke my heart because I thought the guy was a nice fella and not an evil cartoon villian

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vadim is a big fat retard


it’s dodderniggers fault doe


kill both of them


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frogcucks will be frogcucks


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eesti freak what have you dooone

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this site has run its course

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what the fuck happened


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File: 1726088339110.png (10.61 KB, 329x380, not taking it.png)



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