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Welcome to the shemmy bunker! This is a more secure version of the shemmy.

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White Gay Pride
Ghost Watches the Lemonparty Network
Train Body Pillow
65 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


The Toe Tapper
Chuck E. Cheese Coins Up 69%
Sausage Jockey


Fart In Your Dinner
Dick Hole Fiesta


Teenage Mutant Peter Poppers


9 Year Old Equals Win
The Squirts
The Anal Discharge


Womb Drinker

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if this is the end, then so be it.
71 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


2nd Amendment for Autists
Enema Soup
Gaga Deez Nuts
Bubblely Butt Butter




I Sniff Underwear
Prince of Excrement
Mother Cucker


Kool-AIDS Man
At The Bath House
Flesh Flute Player


Phallic Fluffer
I Love Cheese Pizza
A Gross Nutsack

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Is polesuba actually red?
66 posts and 21 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Vore for Ghost
Bonfires for Porch Monkeys


Stillbirth Soup
Baby Got Group Poop


Nut Whipper


Giggle at the Goatse


Green Corn Poop
Just Pee and Wipe the Sides
Pee Drinka
Sheriff Nutsack

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> -1000 pph
84 posts and 20 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Squirrel Fister
Candy Horse Apple
Papercut on Penis


Crackhead Cuckery
Drop the Soap at Auschwitz
Menstrual Gas
The Horse Licker


Bad Period
The Toe Tapper
Operation Spilled Fetus


Big Cocks at Mt. Gox
Hermaphrodite Penis
Eggplant Fetish
Ghost Choking on Aussie Sausage


Did I Circumsize That?
The Butt Wiper
Oh Yeah

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Halal in Her Meat Balls
Low Fat Sperm
62 posts and 17 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


9 Years of Power Topping
Mr. Menstruation
I Queef Seven Colors
Snatch Licker


Centimetre Small Penis


Liquid Turd
The Horny Unicorn
Oh Yeah


Edward Scissor Ass
Slippery Semen
White Gay Pride
Birthday Suits for Tards


Cuck Cakes
The Whipping Machine

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Bad Burrito Crap
Bareback for Butt Coin
54 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Rock Punch Groin
Big Hairy Bear Balls
Fecal Fondler
Bird Shit


Fudgery Bacon Butt Crack


Tender Nips
Bonfires for Porch Monkeys
The Wizard of Poz
My Sticky Valentine


Eat My Poop
The Grand Cockmongler
Breathe Pubes


Men for Panties

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>both talk in the same way
>both respond to harmless and funny accusations seriously
>soot said he was interested in the shemmy a while back
>both have experience with vichan
>both came from 4cuck
(((they))) are hiding this trvke
70 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Fudgery Bacon Butt Crack
Birthday Suits for Tards


Bareback for Butt Coin
Darkkeys Pick Cotton


9 Year Old Equals Win
Second Harvestgate
Barnyard Colon Scooper


Tickle Me Rectum
Spank to Pregnant Anne Frank
Genital Warts


Just Pee and Wipe the Sides
Ginger Anal Beer
Perm Pubes
Emo Group Pooper

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78 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Flesh Flute Player


Fountain Butt Cleanse
The Rectum Smasher


Hamfist McAssfondle
Fudgery Bacon Butt Crack


Rear-naked Cock Lock
Bleach My Ass
Wang Milk Eater


Shit on Ghost
Barnyard Colon Scooper

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Corn Blaster
I Spank Myself
Crockett Body Pillow
The Anal Discharge
69 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Low Wangington
Chunky Chicken Choker


Dolphin Ball Bag Sacks
The Rectum Smasher


Ghost Butt Bubble
Hard for Tards


Samantha Zyklon B
The Horny Unicorn


The Exploding Cock Wizard
DJ Statutory Rape
Deep Butt Crack

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why so dead chinnyshits
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I Spank Myself
Penzone Pants Tent


Snatch Licker


Cuck Cakes


Trouser Bulge
I Spank Myself
Barnyard Colon Scooper


Manhood Magic
Dog Poop Connoisseur
Edward Scissor Ass

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