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Welcome to the shemmy bunker! This is a more secure version of the shemmy.

File: 1726726617593.png (452.8 KB, 695x612, Coinslot.png)


Cado won

File: 1726726529093.png (793.08 KB, 695x612, Coinslot (1).png)



File: 1726726452374.png (72.54 KB, 484x961, 1726377618659k-0.png)


come join us


File: 1726726484066.png (14.03 KB, 632x756, swedist mascot.png)

special mention to https://swedishwin.com/

File: 1726726369424.png (393.76 KB, 680x687, realisticsneed.png)


The bunker is even more of a dead nigger than the fucking shemmy right now it seems


Erm ain't this the guy that got the sharty taken down

File: 1726726237311.png (27.62 KB, 644x800, The Legendary ARYAN Smug S….png)


Still seething about your loss?

File: 1726723282954.jpg (12.51 KB, 500x368, wtf is this.jpg)


if this is the end, then so be it.


there shouldn't be a new splinter made after this, i'd rather we all go our separate ways.


File: 1726725442525.gif (446.87 KB, 402x432, swede vibe.gif)

Impjaks outlived you trannies
Always welcome at the better site


what site nigga

File: 1726722249622.jpg (453.7 KB, 2039x2560, jesus.jpg)


>polack tranny went rogue
told ya
4 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1726722984336.png (119.92 KB, 563x636, 1724464606477w.png)

when will frogcucks learn that nobody wants to use tinyfrogpecker.clitty


How's it known it's the dev? I mean, he was JUST hired


File: 1726723040026.jpg (354.22 KB, 746x965, image.jpg)

hilarious nothing burger


who else do you think it was


Never happened. I can't believe you're throwing wild accusations like that in my first day. The only changes I've made to the site were the quote and filename strip scripts and changing the capcode color. You can check for yourselves. I cannot redirect to another domain, only whoever owns the domain can. This is either the work of Angeleno or whoever actually owns the domain.

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what are your fetishes
bunker edition


File: 1726725275208.png (354.8 KB, 1266x1069, green.png)

smashing a polacks head into a brick


mint chocolate chip

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Is polesuba actually red?


aka pollyana?


File: 1726724893611.png (121.01 KB, 855x762, 1726245920307.png)


File: 1726724108301.png (152.32 KB, 1108x1165, 20240919_143445.png)


post oc itt

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