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File: 1726723692801.png (262.19 KB, 1059x929, accurate lee.png)


who's admin right now I just joined yesterday and I want to know who's name to scream at all caps


joe mama


File: 1726723821431.png (352.57 KB, 1266x1069, blue.png)

vadim yaroslavTV doddermod


File: 1726723840056.png (124.53 KB, 1850x1080, site savers (falsenuke).png)

Vadim and Doddermodd


so who caused the site to fall


File: 1726723975772.gif (385.01 KB, 1046x770, chud paddle ball.gif)

it's a shame this happened I look up to doddermodd since I want to replicate his shading style when I draw but I'm not nearly as good of a drawfag as him

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