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Welcome to the shemmy bunker! This is a more secure version of the shemmy.

File: 1722634202582.png (14.48 KB, 483x600, quejak.png)


Suggestions thread
Ask for banners or features and shit to be added here.
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File: 1728059777789.jpg (120.21 KB, 1080x1080, 3263-1. Часы в формате мем….jpg)


unlock the site retarded autist


i got bidened

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Is anyone still here?



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on one hand if my router switches ips I'll circumvent my 4cuck 3-day but on the other I'll get caught by bidenflare


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>fuck bidenflare powa to the peepaaaaaaaal!


I'm pretty sure you'll just get caught for "ban evasion" and you won't be able to post.


you won't if you clear cookies geg

File: 1727729699761.png (24.88 KB, 600x600, soyprano (eared).png)




I meant https://soygem.party
fuck my nigger life


Bidenflare is preventing be from posting



File: 1727703690488.png (20.04 KB, 442x622, mymy acorn.png)


>nigga i'm nuts
70 posts and 19 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Feeling His Jewels
Cock Smoker


Big Cocks at Mt. Gox
Menstrual Gas
Cumming On Ghost


Baby Seal Strip Club
Leaky Pooper
Sick Sadistic Names, N-Z
Show Us Armpits


Cum Squats
Syphilitic Meat
Deep Butt Crack
Nipple Scoops



File: 1727727082542.gif (37.49 KB, 128x128, figuring out how to get th….gif)


when's the shemalie going to be back up


i see now
time to learn things in the meantime then


File: 1727727943667.png (117.56 KB, 474x516, smartass.png)

>i see now
>time to learn things in the meantime then


File: 1727728148891.gif (16.4 KB, 128x128, poggers lol xd lmao.gif)

>>i see now
>>time to learn things in the meantime then


It is down forever.

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 No.166[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

what happened
both domains aint loadin
116 posts and 26 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1727718042488.png (173.45 KB, 1046x553, i hate it when this happen….png)

pour one out for the shemalies who don't know about this place


File: 1727721719983.jpg (38.31 KB, 500x500, cheeto.jpg)

For the millionth time, I'm not Red. Anyways Angeleno was contacted and apparently the frontend server ran out of bandwidth so the shemmy will most likely come back up tomorrow.


muchos gracias for keeping us updated compadre ♥️♥️♥️


File: 1727725717464.jpg (48.12 KB, 550x535, frog laugh.jpg)

>annoy_quote backfired and killed the shemmy instead of depleting my proxy bandwidth


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No problema amigo, it's my pleasure.

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why is /soy/ locked

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>the consequences of your actions come in the next life

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